Our bug is growing like a little weed. The doctor measured her at 31 1/2 inches and she weighs in at 22 lbs 14oz. She is doing really well. We are up to 6 teeth all together and 3 more that are working their way out. To this date she has not been sick at all with the exception of a slight reaction to the flu shots which both lasted 2 days. She has taken a few spills and the most painful one to watch was the tumble down the basement steps where she landed face first on the concrete floor. The poor thing just flew down those steps and landed like a little rag doll! Dave and I were both horrified but she made it out no worse for the wear, Thank you Lord! She has been doing quite a bit of running with me as I sell Avon, ran the Adopt a Family program for our area and have been taking Grandma to a few Dr. appointments. What a champ she has been, too! We pack some toys and snacks and away we go. Her most impressive day was 14 hours we spent traveling and waiting in the hospital waiting rooms for some tests to get completed. We left the house at 7:45 am and returned home to have dinner at 9:15 pm. She slept all of 20 minutes that afternoon and got cranky for about 10 minutes when she woke up and other than that, just went with the program....whatever that was!
She is still doing well with the food category and has added Clementines, stuffing, Turkey, radishes, red bell pepper, hash browns and Wendy's chicken tenders (which she disliked and mommy ate). She loves her fruit... apples, pears, grapes grapes grapes, blueberries, and mango. She loves broccoli trees and Cauliflower with cheese sauce and has even had chili. She like scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach over plain scrambled eggs and likes cheddar cheese over any other at this point.
We have taken her to a few more Blue Jackets games, she loves music, is working puzzles well, knows her shapes very well and will select correct colors when she's in the mood! She is weilding a crayon and a marker with skill and loves to paint with the big brush. Fascinated by Magna Doodles, loves the playground and her greatest love is books. We take them everywhere and she will sit with them all stripped off the shelf just pouring over the pages. She is going through her developmental paces very well and with precision. She is climbing some now and walking really well. She loves to help Mom clean and play drums with Dad. Her and Dad especially have a great time playing hide and seek and have been able to spend some quality time together over the last week without Mom which has helped greatly.
But we are fast approaching our 2nd Christmas and she is loving the two trees, was scared of Santa but will point him out in all the pictures and ornaments, loves angels and knows which characters are which in the nativity...she will even point to it and say "jjsshh", which I can only assume is Jesus just like "Mmmmmmmm" is for Moosey moose in one of our stories. She clearly says Dada and sometimes says Mum mum. She says "ga" for eGG, "gunk" for skunk, Jed and sock. I know there are a few more but they escape me. Her favorite characters are Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan, Wendy and Tinkerbell and last but certainly not least, she loves to watch Ballet and Ice Skating and then tries to momick what she sees! Wonder where that will take us! That's all for this year, thanks for sharing with us and see you all in 2011!