Three -Four learning more, Five-Six lots of Pics, Seven-Eight growing great! Nine - Ten Can we do it again?! So fast and so big!
10 Months old! We have been fairly busy this last month working on collecting fruits and veggies as they are coming available. Our first venture was picking strawberries and what a trip that was! The stroller was a mere decoration which was parked at our starting point of picking as she would not stay in it but rather preferred to squat at my feet as I picked, which was quite a hinderance!! I finally was able to pry her little fingers loose from my shoes and socks and then sat her beside the box of strawberries. As I turned with a deep breath to pick as quickly as I could before the peacefulness ceased, I saw her look intently in the box of berries and then move aside some smaller berries for the largest strawberry of all! It was a berry bigger than her one little hand and she took both hands and thrust it right into her mouth and proceeded to cover herself in fresh berry goodness.....none happier! So we have picked peaches, blueberries and strawberries. The garden is starting to produce and we are eating lettuces, eggplant and zucchini so far.
She has recieved her first musical instruments which is a set of moraccas, drumsticks, a tamborine and a recorder all enclosed in a drum! She loves them and is experimenting with them a little more every day. She claps along to music now and recognizes songs right in the beginning. She stands up on her own in the crib now, ate mulberries off our Grandma Darby's tree, went to the Water Park with Daddy for Father's Day, has begun waving bye, watched in amazement as the concrete truck spewed concrete for the new garage floor. No fear of any animal or machine yet. We spent a day with cousin Keeton and painted in the yard.
She's eating peaches, radishes, watermelon, cantaloupe, cottage cheese, colby jack, pepper jack, egg salad sandciches, and cilantro. We've been to the Zoo twice this month and once to another water park for Mommy's birthday. We went to four different firework displays and never flinched even once! She was hanging out the car window looking at them and practically oooing and ahhhing.
She is beginning to open cabinets and drawers and knows how to remove things from them, now to reverse the process! She squeals at the dogs when they jump around and get excited and has fallen in love with the neighbors baby kitten. We've taken her to the lake and christened her in the water and she loves it!! Enough that she fell asleep in her floaty Aunt Beth got her while in the lake.
So over all she is just doing great and learning by leaps and bounds. She shows no fear and must have a fairly decent pain tolerance, too. We are thrilled as she learns to do different things and is really starting to look to us for more learning potential. The whole family is enjoying watching her grow. More at the 11 month mark!!